Thursday, April 09, 2009

Truth and acceptance

As more and more time goes on i am beginning to realize that our constant irritation and sufferings comes from not accepting a present moment or condition. In each and every situation i see a basic truth that i have not accepted myself and that leads and adds on to many additional ones. Example Why do my credit cards carry balances - because i spend more than i earn and i have still not accepted the fact that i spend this extra money. The moment i accept and recognize the fact that i spend carelessly i am at peace with myself and more clear actions spring out of this space of clarity. When i work late and complain about over working i have still not accepted the fact that i have not planned it well. When i complain about people acting in certain ways i have still not accepted the fact that i have no control over the other persons actions. It was kind of profound when i read that "Everything that irritates you about an other person is only a part of yourself that you have not forgiven". If you feel irritated that your boss complains about stuff all it means is you are irritated with your self when you complain. As you forgive others you forgive yourself. As i am beginning to be more and more truthful in all what i do and say i find a tremendous power of healing in it. You see that you are essentially connected to one and all around you. Every body that you like and dislike are nothing but manifestations of yourself. At this level all questions about self righteous morality and rules and regulations fade away and you find yourself in peace.

Yoga - Being In the moment

Its been a year and half that i have been actively doing yoga. Thought i should write something about it. The common essence of many spiritual books from the gita to the bible and gurus from patanjali to contemporary leaders like eckhart tolle and nityananda is that you become conscious of your consciousness by quietening your mind. Mind seems to be the source of all evils and once you conquer that your life flows in . This seems to be common theme. I see myself becoming calm, peaceful caring and loving at the end of each yoga session. Ultimately all you are ever going to have is this very moment. Past which you cannot change and future which you cannot predict. So the challenge is to be present every moment fully without judgement. It becomes easy during your yoga classes but its not when you are away. But whenever i apply this in whatever i do iam calm peaceful and serene. Just letting go of the results seems to fulfill me with so much energy which i would have otherwise spent worrying about the results. Example - working on a problem at work - when i constantly sit and cram my brain for a solution it does not come to me, but when i let go and be silent things flow in. What a paradox. Just so speaks against the conventional wisdom that we are usually thought. Hard work and effort has no meaning when you sink in to the present moment and be conscious of what we do. But i am extremely happy that i have found the practice of yoga to hone this skill.